45 research outputs found

    ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI NILAI PERUSAHAAN (Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Dalam Indeks LQ-45 Periode 2011-2014)

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    Firm value is a depiction of how success is a firm in running their business. Therefore, this research is conducted to analyze the effect given by some factors such as Profitability (ROE), Leverage (DAR), and Firm Size (Size), and Price Earning Ratio (PER) to Firm Value (PBV) on the company that registered in the LQ-45 index between 2011-2014 period. The sample in this research are 22 companies that always exists on the LQ-45 index between 2011-2014 period. The sampling method used is purposive sampling. The data in this research obtained from the companies’ annual report. Data analysis in this research done with multiple linear regression method. The result from this research showed that Profitability, Firm Size, and Price Earning Ratio have positive significant effect to Firm Value; while Leverage has a negative significant effect to Firm Value. The adjusted R2 score of 0,907 showed that ROE, DAR, Size, and PER have 90,7% to PBV, while the other 9,3% are determined by another variable

    Orientasi dominasi sosial sebagai alternatif untuk melihat sikap implisit terhadap sistem sosial yang timpang: Adaptasi skala Orientasi Dominasi Sosial7 (SDO7 scale)

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    Penelitian ini merupakan adaptasi dari konseptualisasi dan pengukuran yang baru dari orientasi dominasi sosial (perbedaan individu pada preferensi untuk hirarki dan ketimpangan berbasis kelompok) yang dinamakan SDO7S. Alat ukur SDO7S ini memiliki dua dimensi, yaitu dominasi (SDO-D) dan egalitarian (SDO-E). SDO-D merupakan preferensi untuk sistem dominasi berbasis kelompok, yang mewakili penjelasan bahawa kelompok dengan status tinggi secara langsung menekan kelompok dengan status renΒ­dah. SDO-E merupakan preferensi dari sistem ketimpangan berbasis kelompok yang diΒ­pertahankan dengan hubungan antara ideologi dan pengaturan sosial yang mendukung adanya hierarki dalam sistem sosial. Adaptasi SDO7S ini melibatkan 200 partisipan (69% perempuan; Musia= 21.6 tahun). Dalam adaptasi alat ukur ini, ditemukan dua item yang bermasalah, yaitu item nomor 1 (SDO1) dan 2 (SDO2). Kedua item ini dikeluarkan dari analisis. Hasil uji reliabilitas menunjukkan bahwa alat ukur adaptasi SDO7S merupakan alat ukur yang reliabel, begitu juga dengan uji validitas yang mengukur bahwa alat ukur adaptasi SDO7S merupakan alat yang valid dalam mengukur orientasi dominasi sosial. Hasil analisis faktor konfirmatori menunjukkan bahwa model dua dimensi dalam orientasi dominasi sosial, yaitu dominasi (SDO-D) dan egalitarian (SDO-E) tidak fit dengan data. Sedangkan model empat faktor dari orientasi dominasi sosial (D-Pro, D-Con, E-Pro, dan E-Con) merupakan model teoretis yang sesuai dengan data. Adaptasi alat ukur SDO7S menunjukkan bahwa pengukuran orientasi dominasi sosial memiliki empat faktor, yang terdiri dari dua dimensi dan masing-masing dua sub-dimensi pada dimensinya


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    Battery is one of the media for power supplies in electronic devices. However, the batteryοΏ½s ability supplied power limited on how big the capacity that is stored in batteries. When the battery charge runs out, it needs re-charging (charge), where the device to recharge the battery charge must consider several aspects such as charging current, battery voltage and when the charging process must be stopped, this is considering that batteries for electric bicycles 3x12V/12 ah has a maximum current limit charging 3 A, and with charger in the sales package, not allowed to charge more than five hours. The fact is, many owners of electric bicycles do excessive charging so the battery does not last long. The solution to this problem is to use battery charger, which can be used to charge the battery charge to some voltage rating (12V and 24 V). This battery charger is equipped with buckboost converter for voltage and charging current regulator which way this works is based on the large PWM duty cycle generated by the microcontrolle

    Analisis Kinerja Simpang Tak Bersinyal Dengan Menggunakan Metode Gap Acceptance Dalam Upaya Mengatasi Kemacetan

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    Simpang adalah pertemuan atau percabangan jalan baik sebidang maupun yang tak sebidang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Analisis Kinerja Simpang Tak Bersinyal Dengan Menggunakan Metode Gap Acceptance Dalam Upaya Mengatasi Kemacetan.” (StudiΒ  Kasus:Β  JalanΒ  RayaΒ  Bandulan–JalanΒ  RayaΒ  BandulanΒ  Barat–JalanΒ  RayaΒ  Bandulan).Β  MetodaΒ  yangΒ  digunakanΒ  adalahΒ  dengan melakukan pengumpulan data primer dan data sekunder, survey volume lalu lintas, survey observasi, serta survey hambatan samping. Dari hasil penelitian bahwa arus lalu lintas tertinggi terjadi pada hari Senin pada pukul 15.45-16.45. pada minggu pertama sebesar 9221 kend/jam atau 1566,3 smp/jam dengan kapasitas minggu pertama 2225,94 smp/jam dengan derajat kejenuhan 2,32.sedangkan mingggu kedua sebesar 8874 kend/jam atau 5109,6 smp/jam dengan kapasitas minggu pertama 3276,94 smp/jam dengan derajat kejenuhan 1,56. Dari nilai derajat kejenuhan dapat diketahui bahwa kinerja simpang ini tergolong kelas F, Dari hasil pengolahan data diperoleh nilai gap kritis pada Simpang Tak Bersinyal Jalan Raya Bandulan sebesar 13,5099 detik, pada pagi hari sedangkan nilai gap kritis pada siang hari sebesar 32,055 detik. melebihi nilai yang disyaratkan MKJI 0,75. Penanganan yang sesuai dengan kinerja simpang tersebut dalam menguraikan permasalahan kemacetan, kecelakaan dan kelancaran arus lalu lintas yaitu dengan memasang rambu lalu lintas, laranganΒ  angkutanΒ  kotaΒ  untukΒ  menaikanΒ  danΒ  menurunkanΒ  penumpangΒ  disimpang danΒ  sekitarnya,Β  laranganΒ  parkirΒ  ataupunΒ  kegiatan komersial yang melebihi bahu jalan dan juga penempatan petugas dari DLLAJ (Dinas Lalu Lintas Angkutan Jalan) terutama pada jam puncak, Pelarangan belok kanan bagi arus kendaran dari jalan minor (Jalan Bandulan Barat) menuju jalan minor, pemasangan pulau jalan dan pelebaran geometrik dan merubah tipe jalan menjadi 342 U/D

    Informasi Bencana & Budaya Komunikasi Lokal Kasus Bukit Duri Jakarta Selatan

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    This article is a part of the study Effectiveness of Information Dissemination for Disaster area, and conducted by Research and Development APTEL SKDI years 2009. The area of South Jakarta Bukit Duri in this case study because it is unique. Residents location of Bukit Duri on the banks of ci/iwung rivers. Despite living near in the middle of metropolis almost no information as expected. The level of awareness of hygiene and environmental regulation is relatively low. The results of this study indicate that the information flood is still required, is considered important as a guide to the locals' knowledge. They understand not only formally, but also read symbols and natural phenomena. While the most dominant search and distribute information on flood disaster is television. In addition to interpersonal media are also personal because it has a closeness with the people of Bukit Duri

    Sekuritisasi Pandemi Covid-19 Di Indonesia

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    This study aims to examine the theory of securitization and relate it to the strategy undertaken by the Indonesian government to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic. This is interesting to study because the main demands on every country during this pandemic are; what to do, how to do it, is the strategy for handling Covid-19 by the state the answer for the wider community? This question is the duty of the state to be able to provide a sense of security for the community. The research methodology will be carried out under a qualitative umbrella with the thick description method. The results found in this study were that Indonesia initially considered Covid-19 only as a health problem before the WHO gave an appeal. It can be said that this appeal is a norm that was formed in which Indonesia must implement an appeal from WHO. This is a turning point for the Indonesian government in dealing with the spread of Covid-19. In addition to forming this justification, the Indonesian people are also an important object in tackling the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia where the level of discipline of the Indonesian people determines the success of the Indonesian Government's direction in the issue of the spread of COVID-19 as a security issue.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penelaahan teori mengenai sekuritisasi dan menghubungkannya dengan strategi yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Indonesia untuk menghadapi pandemi Covid-19. Hal ini menarik untuk ditelaah karena adanya tuntutan utama terhadap setiap negara pada masa pandemi ini adalah; apa yang harus dilakukan, bagaimana melakukannya, apakah strategi penanganan Covid-19 oleh negara menjadi jawaban bagi masyarakat luas? Pertanyaan tersebut yang menjadi tugas negara untuk bisa memberikan rasa aman bagi masyarakat. Metodologi penelitian akan dilakukan dalam payung kualitatif dengan metode thick description. Hasil yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah indonesia awalnya menganggap covid-19 hanya sebagai masalah kesehatan sebelum pihak WHO memberikan himbauan. Bisa dikatakan himbauan tersebut merupakan norma yang dibentuk dimana Indonesia harus melaksanakan himbauan dari WHO. Hal ini menjadi titik balik bagi pemerintah indonesia dalam menangani penyebaran covid-19. Selain pembentukan justifikasi tersebut, masyarakat Indonesia juga menjadi obyek penting dalam penanggulangan penyebaran COVID-19 di Indonesia dimana tingkat kedisiplinan masyarakat Indonesia menjadi penentu keberhasilan arah Pemerintah Indonesia dalam isu penyebaran COVID-19 sebagai isu keamanan

    Layering of CDMA Wireless Sensor Network Cluster to Improve Network Capacity

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    Nowadays, the network capacity of the wireless sensor network is a critical research topic area in the world. As the number of sensors connected to the network is quickly growing, it is important that they can sense and transmit data instantly. One of the approaches to increase the network capacity is clustering the sensors to control communication. The approach will divide sensors into several groups and drive the sensors to send the data through the cluster head. Β However, the approach will arise inter-cluster interference problems from the sensors near the border that is higher level than other sensors. All of those will cause the fewer sensor that can send the data so that reducing the network capacity. In order to overcome the problem, layering the sensor cluster is proposed which each cluster is divided into two layers.Β  Moreover, the outer layer is divided into four zones and assigned one intermediary sensor in each zone. Sensors in the outer layer will communicate with the cluster head through the intermediary sensors. The method will reduce the transmission power and lessen the interference to other clusters. The approach not only can minimize interference coming from the sensors near the outer layer but also reduce the power consumption. The study concludes that applying the layering technique will drive the sensors near the border to generate minimum interference in their cluster and neighbor clusters. As a result, the network can deliver more capacity than approaches using either only clustering or layering

    Wireless Sensor Network over High Altitude Platform

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    One of Machine Type Communication (MTC) applications is Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). WSN is an intelligent network application system to collect, integrate, and transmit data autonomously. Sensor nodes in WSN, communicate over short distance via a wireless medium and collaborate to accomplish a common task, such as enviroment monitoring, military surveillance and industrial process control. The constraining aspect of WSN usage is the limited power of each sensor node, so energy efficiency becomes an important issue in WSN. Routing is a function in WSN, which consumes a substantial amount of energy. One of the routing protocols that can increase the energy efficiency of WSN is Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH). In this paper, High Altitude Platform (HAP) is used to replace Base Station (BS) as sink node in WSN. HAP is designed at altitudes of 17, 20 and 22 km. Then WSN over HAP using the LEACH routing protocol evaluated its performance. Performance indicators that we evaluated are engergy consumption, number of dead nodes and total average packets which is sent to HAP. From a series of simulations conducted, the results obtained that the higher the laying of HAP, then the coverage area will be greater. So that the energy consumption will be smaller, the number of dead node less and the avarage of total packet delivered to the HAP will be greater

    Orientasi dominasi sosial sebagai alternatif untuk melihat sikap implisit terhadap sistem sosial yang timpang: Adaptasi skala orientasi dominasi sosial7 (SDO7 scale)

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    Penelitian ini merupakan adaptasi dari konseptualisasi dan pengukuran yang baru dari orientasi dominasi sosial (perbedaan individu pada preferensi untuk hirarki dan ketimpangan berbasis kelompok) yang dinamakan SDO7S. Alat ukur SDO7S ini memiliki dua dimensi, yaitu dominasi (SDO-D) dan egalitarian (SDO-E). SDO-D merupakan preferensi untuk sistem dominasi berbasis kelompok, yang mewakili penjelasan bahawa kelompok dengan status tinggi secara langsung menekan kelompok dengan status ren­dah. SDO-E merupakan preferensi dari sistem ketimpangan berbasis kelompok yang di­pertahankan dengan hubungan antara ideologi dan pengaturan sosial yang mendukung adanya hierarki dalam sistem sosial. Adaptasi SDO7S ini melibatkan 200 partisipan (69% perempuan; Musia= 21.6 tahun). Dalam adaptasi alat ukur ini, ditemukan dua item yang bermasalah, yaitu item nomor 1 (SDO1) dan 2 (SDO2). Kedua item ini dikeluarkan dari analisis. Hasil uji reliabilitas menunjukkan bahwa alat ukur adaptasi SDO7S merupakan alat ukur yang reliabel, begitu juga dengan uji validitas yang mengukur bahwa alat ukur adaptasi SDO7S merupakan alat yang valid dalam mengukur orientasi dominasi sosial. Hasil analisis faktor konfirmatori menunjukkan bahwa model dua dimensi dalam orientasi dominasi sosial, yaitu dominasi (SDO-D) dan egalitarian (SDO-E) tidak fit dengan data. Sedangkan model empat faktor dari orientasi dominasi sosial (D-Pro, D-Con, E-Pro, dan E-Con) merupakan model teoretis yang sesuai dengan data. Adaptasi alat ukur SDO7S menunjukkan bahwa pengukuran orientasi dominasi sosial memiliki empat faktor, yang terdiri dari dua dimensi dan masing-masing dua sub-dimensi pada dimensinya.  This research is an adaptation of new conceptualizations and measurements of social domination orientation (individual differences in preferences for group-based hierarchy and inequality) called SDO7S. This SDO7S measuring instrument has two dimensions, namely dominance (SDO-D) and egalitarian (SDO-E). SDO-D is a preference for group-based domination systems where groups with high status directly suppress groups with low sta­tus. SDO-E is a preference of a group-based inequality system that is maintained by the relationship between ideology and social arrangements that support the existence of hierarchies in social systems. This SDO7S adaptation involved 200 participants (69% women; Mage = 21.6 years). In this measurement adaptation, two invalid items were found, item number 1 (SDO1) and 2 (SDO2). Both of these items were excluded from the analysis. Reliability test results indicate that the SDO7S adaptation measuring instrument is a reliable measuring tool, as well as validity testing that measures that the SDO7Sadaptation measuring instrument is a valid tool in measuring social dominance orientation. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis show that the two-dimensional model in social domination orientation, namely dominance (SDO-D) and egalitarian (SDO-E) are not fit with the data. Whereas the four-factor model of social dominance orientation (D-Pro, D-Con, E-Pro, and E-Con) is a theoretical model that fits the data. The adaptation of the SDO7S measuring instrument shows that the measurement of social dominance orientation has four factors, consisting of two dimensions and two sub-dimensions in each dimension

    Π­Ρ„Ρ„Π΅ΠΊΡ‚ΠΈΠ²Π½ΠΎΡΡ‚ΡŒ фотодинамичСской ΠΈΠ½Π°ΠΊΡ‚ΠΈΠ²Π°Ρ†ΠΈΠΈ Π±Π°ΠΊΡ‚Π΅Ρ€ΠΈΠ°Π»ΡŒΠ½Ρ‹Ρ… Π±ΠΈΠΎΠΏΠ»Π΅Π½ΠΎΠΊ с использованиСм экстракта ΠΊΡƒΡ€ΠΊΡƒΠΌΠΈΠ½Π°, нанодоксициклина ΠΈ Π»Π°Π·Π΅Ρ€Π½ΠΎΠ³ΠΎ Π΄ΠΈΠΎΠ΄Π°

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    Biofilms have higher levels of antibiotic resistance compared to bacteria, so the alternatives are needed as therapy for diseases caused by biofilm infections. Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) has the advantage of being a safe alternative that involves molecular-level photochemical reactions. The use of different types of exogenous photosensitizers (PS) was done to compare their effectiveness. Turmeric extract containing curcumin has good effectiveness in PDT, whereas nanodoxycycline as an antibiotic has a fairly broad absorption spectrum and is effective as PS. The purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness of photodynamic therapy on infections by Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans causing periodontitis using exogenous organic and non-organic photosensitisers (PS). The A. actinomycetemcomitans biofilm had been grown on 96-well microplate for 72 hours incubation time. The samples were divided into three groups, treated with Laser diode, Laser + Turmeric Extract 0.5%, and Laser + Nanodoxycycline 0.1%. Treatment was done with a variety of exposure times: 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 seconds. The data were analyzed using ANOVA test. The results of data analysis showed that diode laser irradiation treatment with endogenous porphyrin, diode laser with Curcumin and diode laser with nanodoxycycline produced significantly different biofilm reductions. Treatment with diode laser irradiation at various energy densities (4.15, 8.28, 12.44, 16.59, and 20.73 J/cm2) showed no significant difference in reducing bacterial biofilm. The treatment with diode and curcumin, and the treatment with diode laser irradiation and nanodoxycyclin showed a significant difference. Diode laser irradiation of 20.73 J/cm2 with irradiation time of 150 seconds resulted in the greatest reduction of biofilm 14.94%, diode laser irradiation + Curcumin 47.82%, and diode laser irradiation + nanodoxycyclin 53.76%. Therefore, PDT using a diode laser combined with exogenous PS extract of curcumin and nanodoxycycline is more effective to reduce bacterial biofilms.Π‘ΠΈΠΎΠΏΠ»Π΅Π½ΠΊΠΈ ΠΎΠ±Π»Π°Π΄Π°ΡŽΡ‚ Π±ΠΎΠ»Π΅Π΅ высоким ΡƒΡ€ΠΎΠ²Π½Π΅ΠΌ устойчивости ΠΊ Π°Π½Ρ‚ΠΈΠ±ΠΈΠΎΡ‚ΠΈΠΊΠ°ΠΌ ΠΏΠΎ ΡΡ€Π°Π²Π½Π΅Π½ΠΈΡŽ с бактСриями, поэтому Π½Π΅ΠΎΠ±Ρ…ΠΎΠ΄ΠΈΠΌΠ° Ρ€Π°Π·Ρ€Π°Π±ΠΎΡ‚ΠΊΠ° Π½ΠΎΠ²Ρ‹Ρ… ΠΏΠΎΠ΄Ρ…ΠΎΠ΄ΠΎΠ² ΠΊ Π»Π΅Ρ‡Π΅Π½ΠΈΡŽ ΠΈΠ½Ρ„Π΅ΠΊΡ†ΠΈΠΎΠ½Π½Ρ‹Ρ… заболСвания, Π²Ρ‹Π·Π²Π°Π½Π½Ρ‹Ρ… Π±Π°ΠΊΡ‚Π΅Ρ€ΠΈΠ°Π»ΡŒΠ½Ρ‹ΠΌΠΈ Π±ΠΈΠΎΠΏΠ»Π΅Π½ΠΊΠ°ΠΌΠΈ. Одним ΠΈΠ· Π²ΠΎΠ·ΠΌΠΎΠΆΠ½Ρ‹Ρ… ΠΌΠ΅Ρ‚ΠΎΠ΄ΠΎΠ² лСчСния Ρ‚Π°ΠΊΠΈΡ… Π·Π°Π±ΠΎΠ»Π΅Π²Π°Π½ΠΈΠΉ являСтся фотодинамичСская тСрапия (Π€Π”Π’). Π’ качСствС фотосСнсибилизаторов примСняли ΠΊΡƒΡ€ΠΊΡƒΠΌΠΈΠ½ ΠΈ Π°Π½Ρ‚ΠΈΠ±ΠΈΠΎΡ‚ΠΈΠΊ нанодоксициклин. ΠŸΡ€ΠΎΠ²Π΅Π»ΠΈ ΡΡ€Π°Π²Π½ΠΈΡ‚Π΅Π»ΡŒΠ½ΠΎΠ΅ ΠΈΠ·ΡƒΡ‡Π΅Π½ΠΈΠ΅ эффСктивности фотодинамичСской Ρ‚Π΅Ρ€Π°ΠΏΠΈΠΈ ΠΈΠ½Ρ„Π΅ΠΊΡ†ΠΈΠΉ, Π² ΠΏΠ°Ρ‚ΠΎΠ³Π΅Π½Π΅Π·Π΅ ΠΊΠΎΡ‚ΠΎΡ€Ρ‹Ρ… участвовали Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Π²Ρ‹Π·Ρ‹Π²Π°ΡŽΡ‰ΠΈΠ΅ ΠΏΠ°Ρ€ΠΎΠ΄ΠΎΠ½Ρ‚ΠΈΡ‚, с использованиСм Π΄Π²ΡƒΡ… ΡƒΠΊΠ°Π·Π°Π½Π½Ρ‹Ρ… фотосСнсибилизаторов. Π‘ΠΈΠΎΠΏΠ»Π΅Π½ΠΊΡƒ A. actinomycetemcomitans Π²Ρ‹Ρ€Π°Ρ‰ΠΈΠ²Π°Π»ΠΈ Π½Π° 96-Π»ΡƒΠ½ΠΎΡ‡Π½ΠΎΠΌ ΠΌΠΈΠΊΡ€ΠΎΠΏΠ»Π°Π½ΡˆΠ΅Ρ‚Π΅ Π² Ρ‚Π΅Ρ‡Π΅Π½ΠΈΠ΅ 72 Ρ‡ ΠΈΠ½ΠΊΡƒΠ±Π°Ρ†ΠΈΠΈ. ΠžΠ±Ρ€Π°Π·Ρ†Ρ‹ Π±Ρ‹Π»ΠΈ Ρ€Π°Π·Π΄Π΅Π»Π΅Π½Ρ‹ Π½Π° Ρ‚Ρ€ΠΈ Π³Ρ€ΡƒΠΏΠΏΡ‹. Π’ ΠΏΠ΅Ρ€Π²ΠΎΠΉ Π³Ρ€ΡƒΠΏΠΏΠ΅ ΠΏΡ€ΠΎΠ²ΠΎΠ΄ΠΈΠ»ΠΈ ΠΎΠ±Ρ€Π°Π±ΠΎΡ‚ΠΊΡƒ Π±ΠΈΠΎΠΏΠ»Π΅Π½ΠΎΠΊ Π΄ΠΈΠΎΠ΄Π½Ρ‹ΠΌ Π»Π°Π·Π΅Ρ€ΠΎΠΌ, Π²ΠΎ Π²Ρ‚ΠΎΡ€ΠΎΠΉ – 0,5%-Ρ‹ΠΌ экстрактом ΠΊΡƒΡ€ΠΊΡƒΠΌΡ‹ ΠΈ Π΄ΠΈΠΎΠ΄Π½Ρ‹ΠΌ Π»Π°Π·Π΅Ρ€ΠΎΠΌ, Π² Ρ‚Ρ€Π΅Ρ‚ΡŒΠ΅ΠΉ – 0,01%-Ρ‹ΠΌ раствором нанодоксициклина ΠΈ ΠΈ Π΄ΠΈΠΎΠ΄Π½Ρ‹ΠΌ Π»Π°Π·Π΅Ρ€ΠΎΠΌ. ВрСмя воздСйствия составляло 30, 60, 90, 120 ΠΈ 150 сСк. ΠŸΠΎΠ»ΡƒΡ‡Π΅Π½Π½Ρ‹Π΅ Π΄Π°Π½Π½Ρ‹Π΅ Π±Ρ‹Π»ΠΈ ΠΏΡ€ΠΎΠ°Π½Π°Π»ΠΈΠ·ΠΈΡ€ΠΎΠ²Π°Π½Ρ‹ с использованиСм тСста ANOVA. Π Π΅Π·ΡƒΠ»ΡŒΡ‚Π°Ρ‚Ρ‹ Π°Π½Π°Π»ΠΈΠ·Π° Π΄Π°Π½Π½Ρ‹Ρ… ΠΏΠΎΠΊΠ°Π·Π°Π»ΠΈ, Ρ‡Ρ‚ΠΎ ΡΡ„Ρ„Π΅ΠΊΡ‚ΠΈΠ²Π½ΠΎΡΡ‚ΡŒ воздСйствия Π½Π° Π±ΠΈΠΎΠΏΠ»Π΅Π½ΠΊΠΈ Π·Π½Π°Ρ‡ΠΈΡ‚Π΅Π»ΡŒΠ½ΠΎ ΠΎΡ‚Π»ΠΈΡ‡Π°Π»Π°ΡΡŒ Π² Π³Ρ€ΡƒΠΏΠΏΠ°Ρ… с ΠΎΠ±Π»ΡƒΡ‡Π΅Π½ΠΈΠ΅ΠΌ Π΄ΠΈΠΎΠ΄Π½Ρ‹ΠΌ Π»Π°Π·Π΅Ρ€ΠΎΠΌ, ΠΎΠ±Π»ΡƒΡ‡Π΅Π½ΠΈΠ΅ΠΌ Π΄ΠΈΠΎΠ΄Π½Ρ‹ΠΌ Π»Π°Π·Π΅Ρ€ΠΎΠΌ с ΠΊΡƒΡ€ΠΊΡƒΠΌΠΈΠ½ΠΎΠΌ ΠΈ ΠΎΠ±Π»ΡƒΡ‡Π΅Π½ΠΈΠ΅ΠΌ Π΄ΠΈΠΎΠ΄Π½Ρ‹ΠΌ Π»Π°Π·Π΅Ρ€ΠΎΠΌ с нанодоксициклином. Π Π΅ΠΆΠΈΠΌΡ‹ облучСния Π΄ΠΈΠΎΠ΄Π½Ρ‹ΠΌ Π»Π°Π·Π΅Ρ€ΠΎΠΌ ΠΏΡ€ΠΈ Ρ€Π°Π·Π»ΠΈΡ‡Π½Ρ‹Ρ… плотностях энСргии 4,15; 8,28; 12,44; 16,59; ΠΈ 20,73 Π”ΠΆ/см2 Π½Π΅ ΠΏΠΎΠΊΠ°Π·Π°Π»ΠΈ сущСствСнного воздСйствия Π½Π° Π±Π°ΠΊΡ‚Π΅Ρ€ΠΈΠ°Π»ΡŒΠ½ΡƒΡŽ Π±ΠΈΠΎΠΏΠ»Π΅Π½ΠΊΡƒ. ΠžΠ±Π»ΡƒΡ‡Π΅Π½ΠΈΠ΅ Π΄ΠΈΠΎΠ΄Π½Ρ‹ΠΌ Π»Π°Π·Π΅Ρ€ΠΎΠΌ (20,73 Π”ΠΆ/см2, врСмя облучСния 150 сСк) ΠΏΡ€ΠΈΠ²Π΅Π»ΠΎ ΠΊ Π½Π°ΠΈΠ±ΠΎΠ»ΡŒΡˆΠ΅ΠΌΡƒ ΡƒΠΌΠ΅Π½ΡŒΡˆΠ΅Π½ΠΈΡŽ Π±ΠΈΠΎΠΏΠ»Π΅Π½ΠΊΠΈ Π½Π° 14,94%, ΠΎΠ±Π»ΡƒΡ‡Π΅Π½ΠΈΠ΅ Π΄ΠΈΠΎΠ΄Π½Ρ‹ΠΌ Π»Π°Π·Π΅Ρ€ΠΎΠΌ с ΠΊΡƒΡ€ΠΊΡƒΠΌΠΈΠ½ΠΎΠΌ – Π½Π° 47,82%, ΠΎΠ±Π»ΡƒΡ‡Π΅Π½ΠΈΠ΅ Π΄ΠΈΠΎΠ΄Π½Ρ‹ΠΌ Π»Π°Π·Π΅Ρ€ΠΎΠΌ с нанодоксициклином – Π½Π° 53,76%. Π’Π°ΠΊΠΈΠΌ ΠΎΠ±Ρ€Π°Π·ΠΎΠΌ, Π€Π”Π’ с использованиСм Π΄ΠΈΠΎΠ΄Π½ΠΎΠ³ΠΎ Π»Π°Π·Π΅Ρ€Π° Π² сочСтании с экзогСнными фотосСнсибилизаторами ΠΊΡƒΡ€ΠΊΡƒΠΌΠΈΠ½ΠΎΠΌ ΠΈ нанодоксициклином ΠΏΠΎΠΊΠ°Π·Π°Π»ΠΈ свою ΡΡ„Ρ„Π΅ΠΊΡ‚ΠΈΠ²Π½ΠΎΡΡ‚ΡŒ Π² ΠΎΡ‚Π½ΠΎΡˆΠ΅Π½ΠΈΠΈ Π±Π°ΠΊΡ‚Π΅Ρ€ΠΈΠ°Π»ΡŒΠ½Ρ‹Ρ… Π±ΠΈΠΎΠΏΠ»Π΅Π½ΠΎΠΊ